
Eric Kuhn Eric Kuhn

Rate of Change…and Being Prepared to be Underprepared

The pace of change in learning technology has been accelerating year after year, and it shows no signs of slowing down. How can we stay ahead or at least keep up in this sea of change? I go back to that phrase… Be prepared to be unprepared.

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Success Story Hannah Stiff Success Story Hannah Stiff

A Conversation with Milwaukee Tool

With innovative new tools being introduced constantly and a sales team that spends a lot of time on the road, Milwaukee Tool needs a flexible learning platform that delivers engaging content in a variety of ways which is why SparkLearn has been their mobile training platform of choice for five-plus years.

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Content Strategy Chad Udell Content Strategy Chad Udell

Encouraging Virality in Your Content

Creating engaging and shareable learning content is a crucial challenge for educators and trainers who want to maximize the impact of their programs. In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of virality in learning content and provide tips for creating content with a higher virality quotient, whether it's ahead-of-time or just-in-time learning models.

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Chad Udell Chad Udell

Learning Solutions 2023 Recap

Last week, we attended Learning Solutions 2023 in Orlando, Florida. SparkLearn had a booth at the Expo, we sponsored a keynote by Steve Burns, and our CSO, Chad Udell, was a part of a few great sessions. Read on for more details about of our time at #LSCon23!

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New Features Chad Udell New Features Chad Udell

SparkLearn and OpenSesame Join Forces: Unleashing a World of Premium Content for Your Learners

We are beyond excited to announce SparkLearn's partnership with OpenSesame, a leading course content provider in the eLearning industry. The collaboration aims to offer the best learning experiences to our users by combining SparkLearn's cutting-edge Learning Experience Platform with OpenSesame's vast library of curated content.

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Chad Udell Chad Udell

Make Every Employee Your Best Employee With Performance Support

I frequently say at conferences and speaking engagements that a well-executed Performance Support strategy can make every employee your best employee. I covered it extensively in my first book, Learning Everywhere. This statement may seem lofty or even a bit cheesy, but we know that performance support can provide employees with the resources and tools to excel in their roles.

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DarkSparks Matt Forcum DarkSparks Matt Forcum

Enough Already!

It’s great to keep your learners in the loop with updates on new content or to just remind them to come back, but take care to ensure that your notifications don’t become a nuisance. When considering implementing a notification system in your apps and on your learning platform, take the following things into consideration:

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Rickey Copley-Spivey Rickey Copley-Spivey

Restaurant Trainers: Let’s Toss Out The Binders

Every role within a restaurant requires specific skills, procedures, and processes, and SparkLearn helps organizations create and maintain comprehensive training programs for each one of those vital team members. With our easy-to-use dashboard and intuitive content delivery, managers can quickly find the content they need for specific tasks or positions. The cloud-based platform lets you access your internal library from any device to stay connected throughout the training process.

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Chad Udell Chad Udell

Looking Back on 2022 - Trends for Digital Learning

With 2022 winding to a close and many of us already taking time to relax, reflect and refuel for the upcoming new year, it only seems appropriate to share some thoughts on trends and events that shaped 2022’s workplace learning climate and will likely have a continued impact on how 2023 unfolds as well.

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