Make Every Employee Your Best Employee With Performance Support

We’ve written extensively about learning management systems and, of course, learning experience platforms. After all, those are the primary building blocks of modern learning ecosystems. However, a key way that our best customers are using SparkLearn is to enhance their performance support strategy. We take this seriously and often share our thoughts on performance support. We’ve won Brandon hall awards for providing excellent performance support tools for two years running with a global quick-service restaurant - supplying support for over 300,000 employees globally. This is no small feat and speaks to the versatility of a mobile-first platform like SparkLearn. 

I frequently say at conferences and speaking engagements that a well-executed Performance Support strategy can make every employee your best employee. I covered it extensively in my first book, Learning Everywhere. This statement may seem lofty or even a bit cheesy, but we know that performance support can provide employees with the resources and tools to excel in their roles.

Understanding the Importance of Performance Support

This isn’t even “new” thinking. Gloria Gery literally wrote the book on it back in 1991 – Electronic Performance Support System. The main difference between then and now is that the technology we all have today: ubiquitous web access, powerful smartphones, AI-driven search assistance, and object recognition for augmented reality all provide a great way to fulfill that vision from over 30 years ago.

You see, Performance Support provides employees with the information they need, when needed, in the best format to help them complete the task at hand. This can include job aids, video tutorials, step-by-step instructions, and on-demand interactive simulations. By providing employees with the information they require to perform their jobs effectively, they will work more efficiently and make fewer mistakes. This, in turn, improves the overall performance of the organization.

One of the more exciting advantages of Performance Support is that it can be tailored to the employee's specific requirements. For example, a new employee may be seeking more detailed instructions and guidance, while a more experienced employee may want more advanced training. This approach allows for a more personalized learning experience and ensures that each employee gets the support to succeed. Search, analytics data, and recommendations from the content delivery system can keep these personalized experiences on track and relevant for all employees on your teams.

How Performance Support Enhances Your
Training Program

In contrast to workshops, training sessions, conferences, and live webinars, Performance Support can be accessed anytime. This means that employees can access the information they need when they need it without having to wait for a training session or search through lengthy manuals. This will save a significant amount of time and increase productivity. With strong Performance Support tools, learning in the flow of work is a reality, not just some marketing slogan.

When learners begin to trust the system, Performance Support also helps create a culture of continuous learning. By providing employees with the resources and tools to improve their skills, they are more likely to take ownership of their development and seek additional learning opportunities. This will lead to a more engaged and motivated workforce, ultimately improving organizational performance. Engaged employees tend to stay at their jobs longer, reducing turnover and helping build a team of experts.

Putting a Performance Support strategy into place can be a manageable task. Start small! Start by identifying the essential tasks and processes that employees perform in their roles. Then, create resources that provide step-by-step instructions and guidance. Make these resources easily accessible and consider different formats, such as video tutorials, audio podcasts, interactive simulations, and job aids.

Another important aspect of a Performance Support strategy is to ensure that the resources are current and accurate. This means that they must be reviewed and updated regularly to reflect any changes in procedures or technology. It also means that employee feedback should be sought and acted upon to ensure that the resources meet their demands.

Putting This Into Perspective

It’s not going to be the last time I say or write this; a well-executed Performance Support strategy can make every employee your best employee by providing them with the resources and tools to excel in their roles. By tailoring the support to each employee, providing access to information at all times, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, organizations will improve performance, increase productivity, and ultimately drive business success.

SparkLearn puts this power into your hands without sacrificing the vital ahead-of-time training you need to cover your bases while offering a great way to access on-demand content your teams need to do their jobs.

Are you seeking help transitioning your training program to accommodate the blend of training and performance support? Contact us today and learn how we can assist you.


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