AI Strikes Back: Revolutionizing Workplace Learning and Adult Education One Large Language Model (LLM) at a Time

Remember those days when we'd come home from school, grab a Hi-C juice box, and get lost in a galaxy far, far away? Or how about those Saturday mornings when we'd plant ourselves in front of the TV for hours, soaking up our favorite cartoons and some Count Chocula? Endless hours consuming content, pouring that stuff into your brain slowly turning your mind into a pop-culture reassembly tool, a bit like what we saw in the 2018 science fiction film, Ready Player One. 

In that film, all of humanity's creations get a bit mashed together and create something “new” but also very familiar. It’s almost become a trope of its own at this point, with the Lego Movie, Wreck-It Ralph, and other motion pictures dialing into mashup culture and reassembling it for reuse in a new format. I liked those movies, just like I enjoy the albums from musical mashup artists DJs like Soulwax and GirlTalk, and how I have played countless hours of Smash Bros, Capcom Vs. Marvel and other mashup style video games. My brain is a veritable soup of those images and experiences, and sometimes they get mixed together and create something kinda cool. In some ways, that’s a bit how LLMs like GPT-4 work - transforming content that they have been pre-trained on and generating something “new”. GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, after all.

We might have thought we'd seen it all, but just like seeing our favorite franchises' never-ending sequels and reboots, the future keeps coming in new shapes with familiar flavors. This time, it's in the form of GPT-4 and other large language models (LLMs), shaking things up like seeing a game of Tetris on the Gameboy when you were only used to it on the original Nintendo. 

Let's dive into how these AIs are set to change how we learn at work and beyond.

  • Personalized Learning: Remember when the only thing that got personal was your Trapper Keeper? Well, LLMs take it to the next level. They can create customized learning experiences based on your preferences, skills, and goals. It's like having your very own Mr. Miyagi waxing on and off about the subjects you care about. This isn’t learning styles or some other myth-based pseudoscience, but rather, a truly adaptive experience that might rival how your 6th-grade teacher took the time to explain mitosis to you after school in a 1:1 (Thanks, Mr. Taylor, BTW).

  1. Virtual Assistants & Tutors: Say goodbye to Clippy, the annoying Microsoft Office assistant, and hello to LLM-powered virtual tutors. They're here to give you real-time support and answer your questions faster than you can say "Saved by the Bell." Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and the like are all about to get a lot smarter and more efficient, or otherwise; they’ll be seeing the recycle bin.

  2. Content Creation & Curation: LLMs are like the mixtapes of the learning world. They can generate and curate high-quality content in various formats, from articles to videos. No more sifting through stacks of textbooks, microfiche, or rewinding VHS tapes in search of that elusive piece of information. Your “Best Mix vol. 5” might just be robot created, and it’s going to be awesome.

  3. Collaborative Learning: Remember the good old days of passing notes in class? LLMs are taking it up a notch. They can help organize and moderate discussions, ensuring everyone gets their say and learns from each other – without the risk of detention. The upside? No AI is going to judge you if you don’t have the coolest new pair of Reebok Pumps, either.

  4. Enhanced Accessibility: LLMs are like babel fish for the digital age. They can translate and transcribe the content in multiple languages and formats, ensuring that education is as inclusive as possible. It's a small world, after all, right? The ways these tools will include all and open channels to knowledge that were previously gate-kept and unattainable is going to be amazing.

  5. Real-time Assessment & Feedback: Back then report cards were pretty much the only way to know how well you were doing. LLMs can analyze your progress and give you personalized feedback faster than a Furby can say, "me hungry." No more waiting for the teacher to grade your work, no need to cram for midterms.

  6. Lifelong Learning: LLMs are like the Energizer Bunny of education – they keep going. They can help you stay current in your field by offering up-to-date information and resources. Who needs encyclopedias when you've got AI? Anyone else miss those volumes of Britannica? No? Just me. Ok.

  7. Upskilling & Reskilling: Just like Madonna reinventing herself throughout the decades, LLMs can help you stay relevant in the ever-changing job market. They'll identify your skill gaps and offer targeted solutions, so you can keep pushing your career forward. Plastic surgery not included.

  8. Gamification: LLMs are turning the learning process into a game, making it as addictive as the original Super Mario Bros. By incorporating gamification techniques, they make learning enjoyable and effective.

Sure, it's easy to be cynical in a world where technology seems to be taking over, but LLMs have the potential to make a real and positive difference in workplace learning and adult education. Let's remember, though, that we'll need to strike a balance between AI-driven learning and good ol' human interaction. After all, we're not living in "The Matrix" just yet. I still prefer my teachers to be like Johnny Five. Alive.


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