Unlocking Information: Why Search and Instant Retrieval Matter for Mobile Workers
Effective search functionality is crucial for optimal employee performance support. In today’s fast-paced work environment, access to accurate information at the right time can make the difference between success and setbacks.
Encouraging Social Engagement
Many learning platforms offer social features to enhance the learning experience for their users. These may range from a simple “like'' button to more complex features such as discussion forums.
Enough Already!
It’s great to keep your learners in the loop with updates on new content or to just remind them to come back, but take care to ensure that your notifications don’t become a nuisance. When considering implementing a notification system in your apps and on your learning platform, take the following things into consideration:
Are You Sure You're Sure?
The learning system functions in many different ways for many different organizations. Many organizations use the system as a compliance tool, ensuring that they are in step with employment laws and standards.
Are You Slowing Your Users Down?
With fantastic technology (phones, apps, fast internet, and great content) at their fingertips, users expect to accomplish a task in just one or two clicks.
Avoid pushing the wrong buttons with your users
You’re working in your content creation tool and you’re confronted with a dialog box like the one above. What do you do? The example is comically overstated but, design anti-patterns and poor usability are so prevalent in products, it’s not that far-fetched to consider it could be real.
We Want Social Learning, But No, Not Like That!
Your team is already using mobile social learning in their everyday lives. Find out how to successfully utilize social learning in your business.
Good User Experience Starts at The Front Door.
The answer is simple, in our opinion. A mobile-first UX should extend to all aspects of the application, including the onboarding process.
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