CHART Conference Recap - Austin 2022

The SparkLearn® team just returned from the annual Council of Hotel and Restaurant Trainers (CHART) conference in Austin, Texas, and we thought we would share some of the things we saw and learned over three fun-filled and informative days.

What we saw and heard from attendees:

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) was a big topic this year at the conference. There is more and more push from organizations to ensure good unbiased information is getting into the hands of their learners.

Employee retention, moving into the post-pandemic time frame, is even more important than ever. Attendees shared the need to be able to get strong, timely learning materials to their users to help maintain their interest and progression and keep them as employees.

Finally, we heard over and over again from attendees we talked with about the need to Simplify Access for learners and content creators. Many teams are having trouble keeping up with all the different tools that they may need to use to update learners. Because of this, the end-users feel overwhelmed with having to access so many apps/sites to find the content they need and have difficulty finding the correct information to accomplish their tasks. Everyone is looking for a streamlined way to deliver their learning content.

Our presentation:

  • Performance Support There is a need, and should be a plan, for breaking learning materials down into usable and accessible content pieces for all of the different types of learning systems that groups are using. Learning might consist of live in-person sessions, ad-hoc meetings, or delivered via a learning platform, but making sure the learner can find the right information at the right time is imperative. Teams are hungry for great performance support that enables them to learn while working.

  • Content and Platform Analysis – You should take a step back and look at the systems you use and the content that is housed there. You may have to make some tough decisions about consolidating materials and systems and looking forward to what is next.

  • Micro-learning Strategy – You simply need to break content down to more usable sizes. There isn't a magic number for how long, or a measuring stick for how big microlearning should be. We covered some ideas on how to make the switch to more bite-sized topics and why your learners will thank you for it.

  • Data Management and Analytics – For the last part of the talk, we took a brief tour of xAPI and how using the rich available data from a system like SparkLearn can help not only level-up learners' engagement, but also provide key metrics to improve content and delivery strategy.

We're excited to talk with all the great people we met in Austin and cannot wait for the next conference. Did you catch something else at the CHART Event you want to share? Reach out to us and share. 

If you want to catch up with the product info we shared at the conference, please send us a message, and let’s get started today.


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