SparkLearn 2.5 Release Excites with Must-Have Features
Our learning experience platform focuses on delivering branded content to your business’s learners the best way possible.
We Want Social Learning, But No, Not Like That!
Your team is already using mobile social learning in their everyday lives. Find out how to successfully utilize social learning in your business.
Rolling out a New Digital Learning Platform? 4 Steps to Achieve a Quick, Seamless Implementation
Feel overwhelmed by your learning experience platform implementation plans? Follow these 4 steps for a quick, seamless LXP roll out.
Good User Experience Starts at The Front Door.
The answer is simple, in our opinion. A mobile-first UX should extend to all aspects of the application, including the onboarding process.
The New Version of SparkLearn Springs Forth with Even More to Love!
The latest product updates bring the power of user-generated content to SparkLearn. Other great features like commenting on articles, following tags, and notifications support the personalized learner experience.
Using Accelerated Learning to Shorten Training Time and Save the Princess (If You Are Ready For It)!
You’ve probably heard of adaptive learning, which is a way of providing personalized experiences to your learners. One way of doing this is through accelerated learning.
Adaptive Learning: Changing the Channel
“You kids don’t know how good you have it these days.” It’s a phrase my dad would exclaim to me as I closed the door to my room, Sony Discman CD Player (with advanced ESP electronic skip protection technology) in hand.
High-quality photos just a click away.
If you've ever tried creating learning content from scratch, you know how frustrating it can be to create the content? Images? Videos? All you're looking for is a simple solution that won't take weeks to set up.
Leveling Up - SparkLearn® 2.0 Is now Available
The evolution of digital products is an interesting topic. Software iterates and grows, morphs and changes shape over its lifespan. How do they change and what necessitates the changes?
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