The 3 G’s of Your Next Gen Training Platform

Ever get the feeling your workforce would benefit from critical-to-me-before-I-just-wing-it knowledge? We all love some initiative, but initiative outside of brand guidelines sometimes leads to...let’s just say...inventive in-the-moment solutions.

Adaptive learning systems fill the competency gap by meeting your team members where they are within your training program, so they can access the critical-to-solve-this-the-right-way, right now issues. So what do you need to consider to get this going?


1. What you want to get 
2. What you and your team can give 
3. What your employees can gain 


Think in the Possible

What are the dream scenarios for your training program? How do you think in the possible instead of the probable when faced with immense turnover, lowered quality and heightened customer expectations? It’s possible to have a mobile app that looks like your brand and says inspiring, pertinent things to an engaged, loyal and willing workforce. It’s probable all your hard work to make a virtual onboarding session will be offset by an employee that is not engaged. What if you could meld the possibility of a great experience with the probability of actually engaging that salty new hire? What if you had a tool that made that easy?

Any new tool, platform, app, system–call it what you want–comes with change management throughout your organization. That is not a small task to undertake. And aside from the time consuming research, analysis, and internal pitching as to why it’ll make things better all around, there’s always the budget, skepticism and lack of time to consider. So where do you go from there?

Build the Case Internally

SparkLearn is here to help you build that internal case for changing your training workflow. Instead of letting your current systems dictate how you can or cannot adapt to your workforce and their increasing requests for better, more fluid content, you can adapt your delivery system to your workforce and actually gain–not sacrifice–control of message, analytics and engagement. 

We say you can do this, because we have spent decades being an adaptive, human-centric company designing bespoke platforms for brands across all industries. We are deeply rooted in learning theory and have applied all our creative, intuitive and real-world insights into one platform built to help train and retain employees. SparkLearn is a robust mobile-first adaptive platform that gives the user personalized content while providing trainers deep insights, easy content authoring and cohesion.

Define by the 3 G’s

By defining what you want to get out of an adaptive training platform you can narrow down which SaaS to go with. By defining what you and your team currently have the capacity to give toward making a new training program successful, you can find areas where you’re currently spinning your wheels to keep the existing system running, and pull that time into standing up an efficient adaptive platform. By defining what your employees stand to gain you can create the internal pitch, solidify your hypothesis and align what your workforce needs most, with the correct platform. 

Do Digital Learning Differently

So, if you want to get more engaged employees willing to seek the information they need when they need it, drop us a line. If you and your team can give 6 weeks toward implementing an intuitive and easy to navigate mobile training platform, schedule a demo. If you want your employees to gain more brand knowledge, self-confidence in their role and pride in their workplace, we’re here to help you Do digital learning differently.

Continue the Conversation. 

Speak with a specialist and learn how SparkLearn can improve your organization and the challenges you face.


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