Brandon Hall Tech Excellence Awards 2021: What They Mean to SparkLearn

“Absolutely thrilled. To enter for the first time, as a new platform, I am really proud of the SparkLearn team and to have partnered with Milwaukee Tool to create such an outstanding customization of our product,” says our co-founder and CSO, Chad Udell, of the three Brandon Hall Excellence in Technology 2021 Awards won. These, like most awards, are validation for the SparkLearn team, but not in the way you may assume. 

We see this industry recognition as proof our platform is modernizing the digital learning space. SparkLearn provides substantial value to our customers in the areas of Best Advance in Mobile Sales Enablement, Best Advance in Mobile Learning Technology and Best Advance in Technology Innovation for Remote Workforces.

Excellence In Technology

Brandon Hall Group and its annual awards are a long-standing benchmark for organizations working to inspire better workplace experiences. As a global analyst firm providing research-based solutions empowering organizational excellence for 25 years, Brandon Hall Group comprises over 10,000 clients. To be seen by them as a best-in-class provider to the global workplace is, in short, a very big honor.

SparkLearn was founded in 2018 and has grown by adhering to one fundamental design principle: human-centered everything. This foundation is derived from parent company Float, also a recipient of three Brandon Hall 2021 Technology Awards. 

“To say that our combined teams, Float and SparkLearn, have received 6 Brandon Hall Awards is a remarkable achievement,” says dual CEO Tom Marchal. “The work done on both products is the result of customer feedback, collaboration, understanding and willingness to try an adaptive, mobile approach to workplace training. With decades of bespoke work informing the SparkLearn platform, our company now has an award-winning product designed to engage and empower content managers, learning and training programs and the workforces they inspire.” 

Transforming Learning Experiences

Co-submitting the Milwaukee Tool customized application of SparkLearn, Britt Olson, Manager Training, Talent Technology is equally excited about the wins. “We love working with you guys…We have our sales team that’s on the road quite a bit and we like to offer a wide variety of learning objects for them; it’s really critical. Having the content available to them as they are driving–like Podcasts–are a huge functionality and a feature that we love to offer our sales team. With microlearning, giving them the ability to take bits and pieces, or update their knowledge prior to walking into a customer is critical too. Just-in-time items, performance knowledge with flexible delivery, SparkLearn does all of that for us.”

SparkLearn continues evolving to solve the diverse challenges facing workforces today because of customer support like this. From ways to create inclusivity through easy content creation, push notifications to keep up with personal goals, and simplifications like single sign-on, we listen to our customers' needs and roadmap our features to exceed expectations. And while we, SparkLearn and Float, are experts in mobile learning development, SparkLearn is humbled by this recognition. We are committed to producing an outstanding product for our existing and prospective customers, because doing digital learning differently is what we do.

To learn more about the Brandon Hall Group and their awards please check them out here.

For more information about Float, please visit their site here.

And to find out what SparkLearn is all about, visit our site here or connect with us at


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