2.9 Added Efficiencies for 2022: Scheduled Publishing, Goal Tracking and More!

SparkLearn 2.9 updates start 2022 with content managers on the brain. Not all feature improvements need to be game changers and flashy, but we strive to make your day-to-day just a bit easier with all feature updates we release.

What’s New

External Content Integration

Aligning learning catalogs within SparkLearn via weblink learning objects from a new developer API makes publishing from external systems a breeze. If you have an external learning catalog, we can build an API that links to it, eliminating the need to enter individual courses one by one. Efficiencies that benefit both your end user and your content creation team are a top priority for SparkLearn.

External Content Integration

Custom Goals Keep Users on Track

Custom Goals

While the default SparkLearn goals settings will remain, we have improved a user’s autonomy over their self-directed goal setting. Users can now work toward goals specific to their learning plan. This feature assists with understanding how to properly set achievable goals as the user can adjust their objectives. Content Managers have visibility and editing permissions into the user’s custom goals in addition to reporting, creating opportunities for feedback and coaching.

CSV Exporting

Managing user data is easier now with a new Export button on the Users page. This automatically generated CSV file contains pertinent fields to organize your users at a glance. Last access date, roles, groups and other key data is downloaded via this function.

Scheduled Publishing for Learning Objects and Courses
Ahead of Time.

Content managers now have the ability to select publish dates and times when crafting any learning object or course. This provides more visibility into their training programs as they can plan content ahead of release dates, building out more learning paths at once and setting the release cadence to fit their content plan.

Content Scheduling

New Filters for Learning Objects

The Choose Existing Content tab will display two new filters when managing items in the Learning Objects menu or adding Learning Content to Courses. You now have the ability to search by Author or Course in addition to previously existing filters. Adding efficiency to get the user where they need to be, these filter additions are a great way for users to revisit items.

filtered learning objects

What’s Next?

SparkLearn regularly updates our platform with feature additions focused on the needs of our customers. Keep an eye out later this quarter for SparkLearn 3.0!

Ready to Do Digital Learning Differently?

For existing customers, please reach out to your Account Manager for the how-to’s enabling and adding these features. Stay tuned as we continue to make your SparkLearn platform the learning tool you rely on most.

If you just found us, and any of these features interest you, we’d love to connect! Please fill out the form below and one of our SparkLearn team members will contact you. We’re ready to get SparkLearn into your hands and help your learners be more productive!


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