Learning Experiences: How to Adapt to Adaptive Learning & Training

Yep, you’re already doing adaptive learning within your organization; you just might not realize it. To do more of it, let tech be the tutor.

In collaboration with The Learning Guild, we ran a survey for the L&D community about adaptive learning. It seemed a fitting topic given the ways in which training and job knowledge have been permanently altered. Of the respondents, nearly 35% said they already adapt instruction to the learners needs, but not all do it with tech. 

Benjamin Bloom suggested learning improvements of 2 standard deviations would result if each learner had a 1:1 tutor. Scaling that, or more specifically the inability to do so, became known as the “Two-Sigma Problem.” Adaptive learning, now scalable thanks to distributed learning technologies, machine learning, and AI, really is that 1:1 tutor and has begun to solve that problem. And we’ve got the white paper that will help you sort out if your organization is ready to adapt to adaptive learning. While you may not be ready today, it is projected that adaptive learning platforms within organizations will jump nearly 25% by this time next year. 

Whether you’re already putting your timeline together, just starting your research or need a little extra insight as you find the right platform, this white paper is designed to help you understand the details of how adaptive learning fits into today’s landscape, the roadmaps of your peers, and ultimately, your organization.

Fill out the form below to download the white paper

Questions to put on your research roadmap:

  • How to measure ROI of an adaptive learning platform implementation?

  • What are the organizational constraints that will be hardest to change in order to adopt an adaptive learning approach and platform?

  • Is this the opportunity to dig in and retool our content, culture and training programs?

Because human-centric design is at the core of all we do here at SparkLearn, this paper is not here to sell you on our platform, but educate you on the wave of change coming toward the global workforce. We’re here to help you find the training, learning and communications paths best suited to where your organization is today, so you can see a bright tomorrow.

Thanks for your time!
The SparkLearn Team

Doing digital
learning differently.


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