SparkLearn provides remote and deskless workers the right information, training, and performance support when they need it, no matter where they are.
What is SparkLearn?
SparkLearn is a digital learning platform that takes learning to the next level by connecting great content with adaptive technology that helps everyone learn – whether they are on the go or working remotely. We provide simple to use content authoring, human-centered UX, configurable adaptive learning paths, and actionable analytics.
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Why Choose SparkLearn?
SparkLearn is a one-of-a-kind platform that personalizes learning by analyzing a learner’s performance, then creates recommendations for learners based on their needs, interests, and previous activities. Learners gain knowledge and experience more quickly. SparkLearn’s gamification, badges, and certificates ensure learners are constantly engaged, and the business stays informed on their progress.
How our customers use our platform.
Drive Organizational Performance
Remove barriers that cause low performance and poor adoption. Drive engagement with interactive content, resources, and more.
Self-growth and Improvement
Give users what they need by providing great content recommendations. At the same time, inspire the learner to be in control and improve on past problems solved.
Old Ways of Learning Don’t Work
Create targeted and bite-sized information to teach the next generation of learners, remote workers, and mobile workers in a better way.
Speak with a specialist and learn how SparkLearn can improve your organization and the challenges you face.
Watch how Builders Inc. uses SparkLearn
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