Learning Experience Platform for Sales

Drive sales performance by helping your team improve their skills and knowledge.

We are doing digital learning differently.

Sales professionals are frequently not at their desks. They're in the car, in the field, or even onsite with customers; this requires thinking differently about your training. SparkLearn redefines training by pulling users in instead of depending on old push methods.

The Forward-Thinking Platform By Sparklearn Is A Major Advantage To Our Team That Solves For Our Business Needs.
— Manager Training-Systems & Technology, Milwaukee Tool

Your teams depend on a mixture of content delivered in different ways; that's why SparkLearn makes it easy to add content from multiple sources and media types. Videos, podcasts, augmented reality and more are all on the menu with SparkLearn.

Multiple sources and media types

Innovation Driven

We take an adaptive approach so teams aren’t forced to learn something they already know. Smart content curation enables teams to gain confidence and expertise fast. Remote workers need ease of use first and foremost, and SparkLearn delivers.

Smart content curation enables teams to gain confidence and expertise fast

Reduce Ramp Up

Sales move fast - or at least it should. You need a system that can operate at that same quick pace. SparkLearn’s path deployment for most customers is right around 6 weeks. This allows you to plan for the future, but deliver something worthwhile this quarter.

get up and running fast

Up and Running Fast

Always On the Go, Just Like Your Teams

SparkLearn gets regular updates and new features all the time. This allows you to continually message your learner base, providing value to them and encouraging them to get back into the learner experience.

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