SparkLearn 3.11 Expands and Enhances the User Experience

Our goal as a platform is to keep improving and evolving to give our customers the best experience. The focus of our 3.11 release has been on expanding and enhancing SparkLearn’s tools and interface as well as providing an easy new way for customers to get started.

Create Quiz

We introduced our integration with Open AI earlier this year. It allowed customers to generate content related to their articles, like descriptions, tips, and flashcards. In version 3.11, we added the ability to create quiz questions, complete with multiple-choice answers and feedback. This will speed up and simplify the authoring process and help content managers evaluate their learner’s understanding. Note: Using the OpenAI Integration leverages their API and is subject to their terms and conditions.

Create Learning Content

We continue to make content author's jobs easier by upgrading the text editor used in our administration interface. Now, more text styles, headers, tables, lists, and others can be created and edited inline. This update streamlines the writing process and makes formatting your content even easier.

In addition to those updates, we have spent the past six weeks making numerous User Interface (UI) enhancements across the mobile app and desktop experience. These include adding requested filter options to reports, showing descriptions when choosing Groups during onboarding, and fine-tuning the font and iconography that is used. SparkLearn has never looked better.

Last but not least, we are thrilled to announce that SparkLearn is now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Marketplace, a curated digital SaaS marketplace where businesses can find, buy, and immediately start using software and services. This was all done to make SparkLearn’s innovative, mobile-first learning solution more accessible and easy to deploy for organizations of all sizes. For more information about SparkLearn and how to purchase it through AWS Marketplace, click here.

More resources to help you stay up to date:

·   Release Notes – A complete list of past releases for SparkLearn

·   YouTube – Video walkthroughs, digital learning discussions, and more

·   LinkedIn – See where SparkLearn will be speaking next and get product updates


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