SparkLearn 3.10 Brings Deeper Content Structuring, a Glossary Tool, and more media options.

The latest release of SparkLearn, version 3.10, has new tools for Content Managers to improve their learners' experience.

One of the most exciting new features is the Journeys tool. It allows Content Managers to guide learners through structured content by combining multiple courses, articles, web links, and more under a Journey. This feature provides more customization of content layout and ordering, making it easier for learners to find and navigate through content.

Assigned Content

The Glossary feature provides a one-stop location for company terms and acronyms. Glossary items can be directly linked from articles, making it easy for learners to find and learn about those terms in context. This feature ensures learners understand the language and phrases used in their company and industry. Wow, does that help with onboarding new team members!

Glossary Definition

With new Embed tools, you can now use Microsoft Stream videos, Microsoft Forms, YouTube Playlists, LinkedIn posts, and Google Maps directly within articles, making it easier for learners to access multimedia content without leaving the platform.

Assign Roles

We have added a new user role to give managers and leaders better insight into what users view, see, and learn. The new Evaluator role allows for viewing of reports of users and content data but limits the ability to edit content. So if you have users who want to see user and content analytics but don’t need to edit content, this is the system role for them. As a bonus, these users can create and submit content for review before publication.

The new features and tools in version 3.10 make e-learning more engaging and compelling, contributing to a better learning experience for your entire audience. Take advantage of these new tools, and now upgrade your e-learning game with SparkLearn 3.10!

More resources to help you stay up to date, check out:

· Release Notes – A complete list of past releases for SparkLearn

·  YouTube – Video walkthroughs, digital learning discussions, and SparkLearn information

·  LinkedIn – See where SparkLearn will be speaking and get updates about the platform


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